How many times have you wanted to find similar images from the internet. Perhaps you have a low resolution image and want to find a higher resolution one. Well It had always being a headache!. All the search engines including Google support only one direction
keywords > images
But so often we want to map Images >Images
Let me give another example. Some stranger send me a face book friend invitation. She had a profile picture, and pretty beautiful too. So how am I to know if this is a joke or she is real? simply asked her and yes it was ‘her’ photo.
I Did a reverse search and….Bingo
Yup! It had beeing copied from a magazine in the internet!! Good try my friends! But not enough
Ok Thats enough about the advantages! Lets talk about the search engine,
Its called TinEye
and guess what they even have a fire fox plug in too!
Believe me its pretty fast too!
Great work guys! So next time you want to match an image try